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Parents endearing tactics to teach us disciplines leads us to lifelong trauma, physical-psychological disorders even cancer.
When we were kids our parents use to tell us scary stories to teach us various disciplines. For example, if you do not eat a monster or ghost will come. For feeding us, going to bed on time, not going outside in the evening etc etc our parents or baby sitters use this tactics.
When a kid born he/she does not know what a ghost is? What a monster is? Most importantly what fear is. Our parents unawarely creates the fear of darkness, fear of ghosts and monsters inside us which as we all know does not even exists. This fear becomes a trauma and lives inside us for lifetime. Ask yourself do you fear the darkness? Do you fear ghosts? Does your heart beat goes up when you hear some unknown, undiscovered sound from the dark or the unseen?
This trauma sometimes makes a quick impact on the kid’s brain and effects the natural growth, slows down the ability of talking and so complete physical development.
There is a multitasking hormone called *Melatonin* in our pineal gland which gets impaired of these activities which can lead to cancer in the long run.
These scary stories creates a image in our brain and we used to imagine those in the darkness or being alone.
Also some parents fear their kids with cockroaches and spiders. So we fear and hate this household creatures lifelong.
Naturally human brain goes to self protection or defense mode when it sees darkness but the trauma makes us run from it rather defensing us and pass through it.
When we will become parents, we will use the same tactics to our kids as well?